Archive for March, 2009

Hi folks, To those who are dedicated to growing closer to God by setting time aside everyday to dedicate to the reading of scripture. I humbly admit to you that there are days where this is neglected even now.But the benefits I notice in my own life as I stay the course are just amazing. My prayer it that through continued dedication and your efforts in checking in with this blog a couple times a month will bless all involved. It is a primary part of the accountability we all need. If you can just drop a line and let us know your struggles, benefits, growth, questions, etc. Your input will help make this be what we would like to see it become but we cannot do it with out you. If you have tips or suggestions that would help us we welcome them. With that said we are jumping in such a great part of the book of Matthew. I hope you have been blessed by our last 7 chapters and meet this cross over of verses with excitement and sadness for leaving the last 7. Post comments and questions about these verses if you come across any. If you do make a post understand it make take a day to post. Also if you are looking for places to evangelize this year keep a close look at the Mt Morris blogs to the right. They will have updates, pictures and events that we will be heading out to. We hope to go to some Nascar events, fairs, parades, etc this year so make sure to check that out.

Now for a word from John Macarthur to Pastors but I think this will serve us all well…..

The Greek word translated “nourished up” is a present passive participle, implying that being nourished with the Word of God is a continual process of feeding. That involves reading Scripture, meditating on it, dialoguing over it, and studying it until you’ve mastered its contents.

It is essential that we be continually nourished by “the words of faith.” That phrase refers to the body of Christian truth in Scripture. We are to master Scripture. We’ll never do it, but that’s our pursuit. We are to be expert in that area; not just good communicators who can tickle people’s ears and make them think they heard something enjoyable (2 Tim. 4:3). We need to accurately interpret and defend the Word of God. Not only are we to be nourished directly by “the words of faith” but also by “good doctrine” (Gk., kale didaskalia). “Good doctrine” encompasses the teaching of biblical truth and the application of its principles. Spiritual growth is based upon our interaction with biblical truth.

1. 1 Peter 2:2–We grow spiritually as we study the Bible.

2. 2 Timothy 2:15–Paul said, “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” We are called–above and beyond all other elements in the ministry–to be expert students of the Word of God.

3. Ephesians 6:17–We are to bear “the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” and be able to use it in any way at any time.

4. Colossians 3:16–We are to have the Word of Christ dwelling in us richly and deeply.

5. 2 Timothy 3:16-17–Since the Word of God “is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works,” then we must know it.

To be able to think and speak biblically a pastor has to spend a large proportion of his time interacting with the text of Scripture. It is an inexhaustible treasure that demands a lifetime to just begin to understand its full riches. There is no virtue in being ignorant. Unfortunately we are a generation of people who do not like to sit and think; we prefer to be entertained. In spite of that we are to be committed to studying, understanding, and articulating the Word of God.